Edit prebills overview

General overview

The Edit Prebills function in Juris lets you quickly make edits to a prebill’s details before printing and posting the client’s final bill.  Juris has designed the editor screen to mimic the printed prebill, making prebill editing a quick and straightforward process, even for the novice user.

Juris provides an interface that allows you to easily modify a prebill on-the-fly.  When Transactions in Juris are required to perform the modifications entered, these transactions are automatically generated by the system with no additional required steps.  The transactions are generated when you save your changes in Edit Prebill.

Creation of adjustment batches

When edits are made to a Prebill, adjustment batches are created behind the scenes, to perform the changes as they are made in Edit Prebills. These adjustment batches are only created when a Prebill is saved. If changes are not saved, then no adjustment batches are created.


When the 'Save' option is selected, you are asked if the changes should be made using ‘Bill Through Date’ or ‘Original Date’. If Bill Through Date is selected, the system enters the change using the Bill Through date that was designated in Select Prebills when that prebill was selected. If Original Date is selected, the adjustments is made using the original date of the entry. The Original Date option may require specific user rights to post in prior periods.

Billing status

Once a Prebill is printed, a certain 'status' is assigned as each billing step is finished.  While some flexibility is allowed, generally a status is used to expedite the billing process. These statuses are: